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As you know, the corona virus pandemic has led to our city and province declaring a state of emergency.  Now, more than ever before, the vital roles of cleanliness and hygiene are on everyone's minds.  We at Clean 4U Services wish to convey to you how seriously we take our responsibility to contribute to the worldwide effort to conquer this outbreak.  Your health and safety are of paramount concern to us!



Cleaning involves far more that merely addressing what is visible; it must also address the invisible. Our multi-step approach to sanitizing has always included:

  • All cloths are disposed of after each client.

  • Hands are sanitized before and after each client.

  • Our disposable gloves are changed after each task in your home.



Due to the pandemic we have now added:

  • We are now wearing masks for your protection, and ours.

  • Disinfecting all frequently touched surfaces, such as door knobs, light switches, handrails and faucets.

  • Extra "dwell time" for disinfectants to work.

  • A hospital-grade disinfectant, owing to its extra potency over natural equivalents.   Clean 4U Services has settled on the product Pinosan, by Dustbane solutions.



What you can do:

  • For our safety, and for the safety of those whom we visit after you, we ask that you kindly inform us if anyone in your household has been exposed to COVID-19.



We take this opportunity to thank you for your business, and your understanding of our concern for your health.  Please be assured of our 100% commitment to playing a positive role in conquering this outbreak.






Tracy Nelson

403-828-3254 (Cell)

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